
California economic developers are dedicated to helping the 业务es in their communities thrive by focusing on:

业务保留 and 扩张

If you are a 业务 representative and are looking for resources, 请联系CALED, and we will connect you to the appropriate economic developer. If you are looking to learn more about 业务 retention, 扩张, 创建, 和吸引力, 你来对地方了.


CALED established the California Enterprise Development Authority (CEDA), a Joint Powers Authority (JPA), to address gaps in Economic Development financing. 点击 在这里 to learn more about CEDA’s IDB, 501(c)(3) revenue bond, and PACE financing tools.

业务保留 & 扩张

现在, 更甚于以往, it is important for economic developers in California to focus on keeping the 业务es we have and helping them grow. With the negative perceptions about doing 业务 in California and our 业务 climate, attracting new 业务 is not always the easiest form of economic development. And, as we’ve all heard before, “A bird in the hand, is better than two in the bush”.

Economic developers work hard to find new and innovative ways of working with their existing 业务es. But t在这里 are some basics of 业务 retention and 扩张 that a successful BRE program will have.

CALED’s Orange County Chapter Leadership delivers an excellent training on the subject: 业务保留 and 扩张 Workshop (BREW). Here are some of the basics they feel are important:

  • Build a 业务 database–collect information on your local 业务es
  • Be aware of market conditions–analyze and understand your community & 其中的业务
  • Build a support system–lean on your colleagues
  • Foster relationships with internal partners–know the “go-to” people in your organization
  • Foster relationships with key external partners–agencies, 房地产专业人士, 及其他环保署持份者
  • Get a toolbox–identify 业务 incentives, 劳动力投资法, know Federal/State designations, 等等……
  • Know your permit process–Is t在这里 are permit assistance team or fast-track program in place
  • Make 业务 calls–prioritize your contacts and visit your 业务es
  • 做好准备
  • 把自己当成资源来推销
  • Call back on your major 业务es–keep in touch with them

Thank you to the members of the Orange County Chapter for sharing their insight and expertise, 尤其是珍妮特·科, former Orange County Chapter Chair.

Entrepreneurship As An Economic Development Strategy

业务 创建 is considered by many to be the most difficult and resource-intensive form of Economic Development. 然而, t在这里 are great pay offs for a community if the program is well thought out and done correctly.

Chuck Wolfe, 主要, Claggett Wolfe Associates explains, t在这里 are many good reasons communities choose to use entrepreneurship as an Economic Development strategy.

  • 园艺与. Hunting: Some communities would rather invest in 业务es that can be grown in their backyard versus hunting for 业务es that may be interested in moving to their city or county.
  • Some communities lack the competitive advantages to attract large firms and it makes sense for them to grow what they have.
  • Working with local entrepreneurs and inventors allows a community to retain local innovation and talent.
  • It also allows you to retain and build wealth in the community.

Chuck is a long-time trainer on entrepreneurship as a form of Economic Development as well as an nationally recognized incubator expert.


业务 attraction is the most well-known aspect of economic development.  Each community should take the time to understand their current 业务 environment, 他们的竞争优势, and the industry sectors that are already thriving in their back yard before engaging in this activity.

W在这里 to go for more information
These resources will answer the most frequently asked questions 业务 owners want to know when deciding w在这里 to locate.